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The Life of Bridget Dempsey

Bridget was my great great grandmother born in 1848 in Lambeth. Her parents were Irish; it is the only Irish I have found in my tree to date; and she must be the Irish link that my great aunt Doreen had been told stories about as a child. However, the romantic story of someone falling in love and leaving her 'well to do' life style seems far from the truth, and must be further back in history or fantasy! Bridget appears to spend the majority of her childhood in and out of the Workhouse, either because she is sick or her mother is destitute. Her father is Michael Dempsey and her parents are married, but where he is during this time is a mystery. Bridget's baby sister Elizabeth dies in the workhouse in 1852.

Coming soon to Genes Genie ......... more on the life of Bridget.

Bridget, her mother and her baby sister spent time at the Tower Hamlets Workhouse in Stepney

Read about the history of the work house and what it would have been like to suffer the humiliation of entry, and the life you would have lead were you unfortunate enough to end up there.

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Jun 20, 2020

Very interesting thank you

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